Validate the caching configuration


Validate the caching configuration

In our sample environment, we used a simple web page to test the caching behavior of the configuration. See Example 6-14 for a simple dynamically-generated web page. If the caching is working, the time on the page will not update when you refresh the web page.

Example 6-14 Test.jsp to verify dynamic cache behavior

<html><head><title>Dynacache Tester</title></head><body>

<H1>Test JSP</H1>

The time is
<%=new java.util.Date().toString() %>

If the time does
<b>not</b> update upon page refresh then the dynacache is working correctly<BR>


See Example 6-15 for the corresponding cachespec.xml.

Example 6-15 cachespec.xml deployed in the WEB-INF directory of the web module

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

<!DOCTYPE cache SYSTEM "cachespec.dtd">






<component id="*" type="parameter">







The web page can be executed with a number of arbitrary parameters to create cache entries. For example, the following will create a new cache entry each:




The caching statistics of the Test.jsp can then be reviewed in the appropriate monitoring tools introduced in 6.4, Monitoring considerations.

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