Overview of WebLogic JMX Services
WebLogic Server Managed Resources and MBeans
Basic Organization of a WebLogic Server Domain
MBeans for Configuring Managed Resources
Local Replicas of Configuration MBeans
The Lifecycle of Configuration MBeans
Replication of MBeans for Managed Server Independence
Documentation for Configuration MBean APIs
MBeans for Viewing the Runtime State of Managed Resources
Documentation for Runtime MBean APIs
Security MBeans
Non-WebLogic Server MBeans
MBean Servers and the MBeanHome Interface
Local MBeanHome and the Administration MBeanHome
Notifications and Monitoring
The Administration Console and the weblogic.Admin Utility
The Administration Console
The weblogic.Admin Utility
Accessing WebLogic Server MBeans
Accessing MBeans: Main Steps
Determining Which Interfaces to Use
Accessing an MBeanHome Interface
Using the Helper APIs to Retrieve an MBeanHome Interface
Example: Retrieving a Local MBeanHome Interface
Using JNDI to Retrieve an MBeanHome Interface
Example: Retrieving the Administration MBeanHome from an External Client
Example: Retrieving a Local MBeanHome from an Internal Client
Using the Type-Safe Interface to Access MBeans
Retrieving a List of All MBeans
Retrieving MBeans By Type and Selecting From the List
Walking the Hierarchy of Local Configuration and Runtime MBeans
Using the MBeanServer Interface to Access MBeans
WebLogic Server Management Namespace
Conventions for WebLogicObjectName
Conventions for Security-Provider MBean Names
Locating Administration MBeans Within the Namespace
Server Communication and Protocols Configuration Namespace
Domain and Server Logging Configuration Namespace
Applications Configuration Namespace
Security Configuration Namespace
JDBC Configuration Namespace
JMS Configuration Namespace
Clusters Configuration Namespace
Machines and Node Manager Configuration Namespace
Using weblogic.Admin to Find the WebLogicObjectName
Using weblogic.Admin to Find the Name of a Security Provider MBean
Accessing and Changing Configuration Information
Example: Using weblogic.Admin to View the Message Level for Standard Out
Example: Configuring the Message Level for Standard Out
Accessing Runtime Information
Example: Determining the Active Domain and Servers
Using weblogic.Admin to Determine Active Domains and Servers
Example: Viewing and Changing the Runtime State of a WebLogic Server Instance
Using a Local MBeanHome and getRuntimeMBean()
Using the Administration MBeanHome and getMBeansByType()
Using the Administration MBeanHome and getMBean()
Using the MBeanServer Interface
Example: Viewing Runtime Information About Clusters
Viewing Runtime Information for EJBs
Example: Retrieving Runtime Information for All Stateful and Stateless EJBs
Viewing Runtime Information for Servlets
Example: Retrieving Runtime Information for Servlets
Using WebLogic Server MBean Notifications and Monitors
How Notifications are Broadcast and Received
Monitoring Changes in MBeans
Best Practices: Listening Directly Compared to Monitoring
Best Practices: Commonly Monitored Attributes
Listening for Notifications from WebLogic Server MBeans: Main Steps
WebLogic Server Notification Types
Creating a Notification Listener
Creating a Notification Filter
Adding Filter Classes to the Server Classpath
Registering a Notification Listener and Filter
Listening for Configuration Auditing Messages: Main Steps
Notification Listener for Configuration Auditing Messages
Notification Filter for Configuration Auditing Messages
Registration Class for Configuration Auditing Messages
Using Monitor MBeans to Observe Changes: Main Steps
Choosing a Monitor MBean Type
Monitor Notification Types
Error Notification Types
Creating a Notification Listener for a Monitor MBean
Instantiating the Monitor and Listener
Example: Monitoring an MBean on a Single Server
Example: Monitoring Instances of an MBean on Multiple Servers
Configuring CounterMonitor Objects
Configuring GaugeMonitor Objects
Configuring StringMonitor Objects
Using the WebLogic Timer Service to Generate and Receive Notifications
Using the WebLogic Timer Service: Main Steps
Configuring a Timer MBean to Emit Notifications
Specifying Time Intervals
Example: Generating a Notification Every Minute
Removing Notifications