Programming WebLogic XML
Administering WebLogic Server XML
The following sections describe XML administration with WebLogic Server:
- Overview of Administering WebLogic Server XML
- XML Parser and Transformer Configuration Tasks
- External Entity Configuration Tasks
Overview of Administering WebLogic Server XML
You access the XML Registry through the Administration Console and use it to configure WebLogic Server for XML applications.
To invoke the Administration Console in your browser, enter the following URL:
- host refers to the computer on which the WebLogic Administration Server is running.
- port refers to the port number where WebLogic Administration Server is listening for connection requests. The default port number for WebLogic Administration Server is 7001.
XML Administration Tasks
You create, configure, and use the XML Registry using the Administration Console. Using the Administration Console XML Registry has several benefits:
- Configuration of XML Registry changes take effect automatically at run time, provided you use JAXP in your XML applications.
- When you make changes to the XML Registry, it is not necessary to change your XML application code.
- Entity resolution is done locally. You can use the XML Registry either to define a local copy of an entity or to specify that WebLogic Server cache an entity from the Web for a specified duration and use the cached copy rather than the one out on the Web.
You can use the XML Registry to specify:
- An alternative server-wide XML parser instead of the default parser.
- An XML parser per document type.
- An alternative server-wide transformer instead of the default transformer.
- External entities that are to be resolved by using local copies of the entities. Once you specify these entities, the Administration Server stores local copies of them in the file system and automatically distributes them to the server's parser at parse time. This feature eliminates the need to construct and set SAX EntityResolvers.
- External entities to be cached by WebLogic Server after retrieval from the Web. You specify how long these external entities should be cached before WebLogic Server re-retrieves them and when WebLogic should first retrieve the entities, either at application run time or when WebLogic Server starts.
These capabilities are for use on the server side only.
How the XML Registry Works
You can create as many XML Registries as you like; however, you can associate only one XML Registry with a particular instance of WebLogic Server.
If an instance of WebLogic Server does not have an XML Registry associated with it, then the default parser and transformer are used when parsing or transforming documents. The default parser and transformer are those included in the JDK Version 5.0.
Once you associate an XML Registry with an instance of WebLogic Server, all XML configuration options are available for XML applications that use that server.
You can make the following types of entries for a given XML registry:
- Configure parsers and transformers.
- Configure external entity resolution.
The XML Registry is case sensitive. For example, if you are configuring a parser for an XML document type whose root element is <CAR>, enter CAR in the Root Element Tag field and not car or Car.
Parser Selection Within the XML Registry
The XML Registry is automatically consulted whenever you use JAXP to parse or transform your XML applications. WebLogic Server follows an ordered lookup when determining which parser class to load:
- Use the parser defined for a particular document type.
- Use the alternative server-wide parser defined in the XML Registry associated with the WebLogic Server instance.
- Use the default parser (the parser included in the JDK 5.0)
The process is also true for transformers, except for the first step, because you cannot define a transformer for a particular document type.
Additionally, when WebLogic Server starts, a SAX entity resolver is automatically set so that it can resolve entities that are declared in the registry. As a result, users are not required to modify their XML application code to control the parsers used, or to set the location of local copies of external entities. The parser being used and the location of the external entity is controlled by the XML Registry.
If you elect to use an API provided by a parser instead of JAXP, the XML Registry has no effect on the processing of XML documents. For this reason, it is highly recommended that you always use JAXP in your XML applications.
XML Parser and Transformer Configuration Tasks
By default, WebLogic Server is configured to use the default parser and transformer to parse and transform XML documents. The default parser and transformer are those included in the JDK 5.0. As long as you use the default, you do not have to perform any configuration tasks for your XML applications. If you want to use a parser or transformer other than the default, use the XML Registry to configure them, as described in the following sections.
Configuring a Parser or Transformer Other Than the Default
The following procedure first describes how to create an XML registry that defines SAX and DOM parsers and transformers. It then describes how to associate (or plug-in) the new XML Registry with an instance of WebLogic Server so that the server starts to use the new parsers and transformer.
WARNING: You can plug-in only those parsers and transformers that are compatible with the default WebLogic Server parser transformer. The default parser and transformer are those that are included in the JDK 5.0.
- Start the WebLogic Administration Server and invoke the Administration Console in your browser. See Overview of Administering WebLogic Server XML for information on invoking the Administration Console.
- Follow the steps outlined in Create an XML registry page of the Administration Console Online Help.
Configuring a Parser for a Particular Document Type
When you configure a parser for a particular document type, you can use the document's system id, public id, or root element to identify the document type.
WARNING: WebLogic Server searches only the first 1000 bytes of an XML document when attempting to identify its document type. If it does not find a DOCTYPE identifier in those first 1000 bytes, it stops searching the document and uses the parser configured for the WebLogic Server instance to parse the document. To configure a parser for a particular document type, follow these steps:
- Start the WebLogic Administration Server and invoke the Administration Console in your browser.
See Overview of Administering WebLogic Server XML for information on invoking the Administration Console.
- Follow the steps outlined in the Associate a Parser to a Document Type page of the Administration Console Online Help.
External Entity Configuration Tasks
Use the XML Registry to configure external entity resolution and to configure and monitor the external entity cache.
Configuring External Entity Resolution
You can configure external entity resolution with WebLogic Server in the following two ways:
- Physically copy the entity files to a directory accessible by WebLogic Administration Server and specify that the Administration Server use the local copy whenever the external entity is referenced in an XML document.
- Specify that a Managed Server cache external entities that are referenced with a URL or a pathname relative to the Administration Server, either at server-startup or when the entity is first referenced.
Caching the external entity in a Managed Server saves the remote access time and provides a local backup in the event that the Administration Server cannot be accessed while an XML document is being parsed, due to the network or the Administration Server being down.
You can configure the expiration date for a cached entity, at which point WebLogic Server re-retrieves the entity from the URL or Administration Server and re-caches it.
To configure external entity resolution, perform the following steps:
- Start the WebLogic Administration Server and invoke the Administration Console in your browser.
See Overview of Administering WebLogic Server XML for information on invoking the Administration Console.
- Follow the steps outlined in the Configure External Entity Resolution page of the Administration Console Online Help.
Configuring the External Entity Cache
You can configure the following properties of the external entity cache:
- Size, in KB, of the cache memory. The default value for this property is 500 KB.
- Size, in MB, of the persistent disk cache. The default value for this property is 5 MB.
- Number of seconds after which external entities in the cache become stale after they have been cached by WebLogic Server. This is the default value for the entire server - you can override this value for specific external entities when you configure the entity. The default value for this property is 120 seconds (2 minutes).
To configure the external entity cache, follow these steps:
- Start the WebLogic Administration Server and invoke the Administration Console in your browser.
See Overview of Administering WebLogic Server XML for information on invoking the Administration Console.
- Follow the steps outlined in the Create an XML Entity Cache page of the Administration Console Online Help.