Programming WebLogic JTA


Introduction and Roadmap

Document Scope and Audience

Guide to this Document

Related Documentation

Samples and Tutorials


Avitek Medical Records Application (MedRec) and Tutorials

New and Changed Features in This Release

Introducing Transactions

Overview of Transactions in WebLogic Server Applications


ACID Properties of Transactions


Supported Programming Model


Supported API Models


Distributed Transactions and the Two-Phase Commit Protocol


Support for Business Transactions

When to Use Transactions

What Happens During a Transaction


Transactions in WebLogic Server EJB Applications

Container-managed Transactions

Bean-managed Transactions


Transactions in WebLogic Server RMI Applications

Transactions Sample Code


Transactions Sample EJB Code

Importing Packages

Using JNDI to Return an Object Reference

Starting a Transaction

Completing a Transaction


Transactions Sample RMI Code

Importing Packages

Using JNDI to Return an Object Reference to the UserTransaction Object

Starting a Transaction

Completing a Transaction

Configuring Transactions

Overview of Transaction Configuration

Configuring JTA


Unregister Resource Grace Period


Additional Attributes for Managing Transactions

Configuring Domains for Inter-Domain Transactions


Limitations for Inter-Domain Transactions


Configuring Communication Channels

Configuring Cross Domain Security

Cross Domain Security is Not Transitive

Adding Domains to the Exclude List Based on Transaction Participation

Important Considerations When Configuring Cross Domain Security

Configuring Security Interoperability Mode

Establish Domain Trust

Configuring Security Interoperability Mode

Configuring Domains for JNDI Lookups Requiring an Admin User

Configuring Domains for Intra-Domain Transactions

Transaction Log Files


Setting the Path for the Default Persistent Store


Setting the Default Persistent Store Synchronous Write Policy

Managing Transactions

Monitoring Transactions

Handling Heuristic Completions

Moving a Server

Abandoning Transactions

Transaction Recovery After a Server Fails


Transaction Recovery Service Actions After a Crash


Recovering Transactions For a Failed Non-Clustered Server


Recovering Transactions For a Failed Clustered Server

Server Migration

Manual Transaction Recovery Service Migration

What Occurs During Transaction Recovery Service Migration

Automatic Transaction Recovery Service Migration

Managed Server Independence

Limitations of Migrating the Transaction Recovery Service

Preparing to Migrate the Transaction Recovery Service

Constraining the Servers to Which the Transaction Recovery Service Can Migrate

Viewing Current Owner of the Transaction Recovery Service

Manually Migrating the Transaction Recovery Service Back to the Original Server

Transaction Service

About the Transaction Service

Capabilities and Limitations


Lightweight Clients with Delegated Commit


Client-initiated Transactions


Transaction Integrity


Transaction Termination


Flat Transactions


Relationship of the Transaction Service to Transaction Processing


Multithreaded Transaction Client Support


Transaction Id


Transaction Name and Properties


Transaction Status


Transaction Statistics


General Constraints

Transaction Scope

Transaction Service in EJB Applications

Transaction Service in RMI Applications

Transaction Service Interoperating with OTS


Server-Server 2PC


Client Demarcated Transactions

Java Transaction API and Oracle WebLogic Extensions

JTA API Overview

Oracle WebLogic Extensions to JTA

Logging Last Resource Transaction Optimization

About the LLR Optimization Transaction Optimization

Logging Last Resource Processing Details

LLR Database Table Details


LLR Table Transaction Log Records

Failure and Recovery Processing for LLR


Coordinating Server Crash


JDBC Connection Failure


LLR Transaction Recover During Server Startup


Failover Considerations for LLR

Optimizing Performance with LLR


Optimizing Transaction Coordinator Location


Varied Performance for Read-Only Operations through an LLR Data Source

Transactions in EJB Applications

Before You Begin

General Guidelines

Transaction Attributes


About Transaction Attributes for EJBs


Transaction Attributes for Container-Managed Transactions


Transaction Attributes for Bean-Managed Transactions

Participating in a Transaction

Transaction Semantics


Transaction Semantics for Container-Managed Transactions

Transaction Semantics for Stateful Session Beans

Transaction Semantics for Stateless Session Beans

Transaction Semantics for Entity Beans


Transaction Semantics for Bean-Managed Transactions

Transaction Semantics for Stateful Session Beans

Transaction Semantics for Stateless Session Beans

Session Synchronization

Synchronization During Transactions

Setting Transaction Timeouts

Handling Exceptions in EJB Transactions

Transactions in RMI Applications

Before You Begin

General Guidelines

Using Third-Party JDBC XA Drivers with WebLogic Server

Overview of Third-Party XA Drivers


Table of Third-Party XA Drivers

Using Oracle Thin/XA Driver


Software Requirements for the Oracle Thin/XA Driver


Set the Environment for the Oracle Thin/XA Driver

Configure WebLogic Server

Enable XA on the Database Server


Oracle Thin/XA Driver Configuration Properties

Using Sybase jConnect 5.5 and 6.0/XA Drivers


Configuring a Sybase Server for XA Support


XA and Sybase Adaptive Server

Execution Threads and Transactions in Sybase Adaptive Server

Setting the Timeout for Detached Transactions

Transaction Behavior on Sybase Adaptive Server


Configuration Properties for Java Clients


Known Sybase jConnect 5.5 and 6.0/XA Issues

Using Other Third-Party XA Drivers

Coordinating XAResources with the WebLogic Server Transaction Manager

Overview of Coordinating Distributed Transactions with Foreign XAResources

Registering an XAResource to Participate in Transactions

Enlisting and Delisting an XAResource in a Transaction


Standard Enlistment


Dynamic Enlistment


Static Enlistment

Commit processing


Resource Health Monitoring

Java EE Connector Architecture Resource Adapter

Implementation Tips


Sharing the WebLogic Server Transaction Log


Transaction global properties




Additional Documentation about JTA

Participating in Transactions Managed by a Third-Party Transaction Manager

Overview of Participating in Foreign-Managed Transactions

Importing Transactions with the Client Interposed Transaction Manager


Get the Client Interposed Transaction Manager


Get the XAResource from the Interposed Transaction Manager


Limitations of the Client Interposed Transaction Manager

Importing Transactions with the Server Interposed Transaction Manager


Get the Server Interposed Transaction Manager


Limitations of the Server Interposed Transaction Manager

Transaction Processing for Imported Transactions


Transaction Processing Limitations for Imported Transactions

Commit Processing for Imported Transactions

Recovery for Imported Transactions

Troubleshooting Transactions


Troubleshooting Tools




Transaction Identifier


Transaction Name and Properties


Transaction Status


Transaction Statistics


Transaction Monitoring


Debugging JTA Resources

Enabling Debugging

Enable Debugging Using the Command Line

Enable Debugging Using the WebLogic Server Administration Console

Enable Debugging Using the WebLogic Scripting Tool

Changes to the config.xml File

JTA Debugging Scopes

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