Type 4 JDBC Drivers
SQL Escape Sequences for JDBC
Language features, such as outer joins and scalar function calls, are commonly implemented by database systems. The syntax for these features is often database-specific, even when a standard syntax has been defined. JDBC defines escape sequences that contain the standard syntax for the following language features:
- Date, time, and timestamp literals
- Scalar functions such as numeric, string, and data type conversion functions
- Outer joins
- Escape characters for wildcards used in LIKE clauses
- Procedure calls
The escape sequence used by JDBC is:
{extension}The escape sequence is recognized and parsed by the WebLogic Type 4 JDBC drivers, which replace the escape sequences with data store-specific grammar.
Date, Time, and Timestamp Escape Sequences
The escape sequence for date, time, and timestamp literals is:
{literal-type 'value'}where literal-type is one of the following:
Table C-1 Literal Types for Date, Time, and Timestamp Escape Sequences literal-type Description Value Format d Date yyyy-mm-dd t Time hh:mm:ss [1] ts Timestamp yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss[.f...]
UPDATE Orders SET OpenDate={d '1995-01-15'}
WHERE OrderID=1023
Scalar Functions
You can use scalar functions in SQL statements with the following syntax:
{fn scalar-function}where scalar-function is a scalar function supported by the WebLogic Type 4 JDBC drivers, as listed in Table C-2.
SELECT id, name FROM emp WHERE name LIKE {fn UCASE('Smith')}
Outer Join Escape Sequences
JDBC supports the SQL92 left, right, and full outer join syntax. The escape sequence for outer joins is:
{oj outer-join}table-reference {LEFT | RIGHT | FULL} OUTER JOIN{table-reference | outer-join} ON search-conditiontable-reference is a database table name.
search-condition is the join condition you want to use for the tables.
SELECT Customers.CustID, Customers.Name, Orders.OrderID, Orders.StatusFROM {oj Customers LEFT OUTER JOINOrders ON Customers.CustID=Orders.CustID}WHERE Orders.Status='OPEN'Table C-3 lists the outer join escape sequences supported by WebLogic Type 4 JDBC drivers for each data store.
LIKE Escape Character Sequence for Wildcards
You can specify the character to be used to escape wildcard characters (% and _, for example) in LIKE clauses. The escape sequence for escape characters is:
{escape 'escape-character'}where escape-character is the character used to escape the wildcard character.
For example. the following SQL statement specifies that an asterisk (*) be used as the escape character in the LIKE clause for the wildcard character %:
SELECT col1 FROM table1 WHERE col1 LIKE '*%%' {escape '*'}
Procedure Call Escape Sequences
A procedure is an executable object stored in the data store. Generally, it is one or more SQL statements that have been precompiled. The escape sequence for calling a procedure is:
{[?=]call procedure-name[([parameter][,parameter]...)]}procedure-name specifies the name of a stored procedure.
parameter specifies a stored procedure parameter.
For DB2 for Linux/UNIX/Windows, a catalog name cannot be used when calling a stored procedure. Also, for DB2 v8.1 and v8.2 for Linux/UNIX/Windows, literal parameter values are supported for stored procedures. Other supported DB2 versions do not support literal parameter values for stored procedures.