Response Time Breakdown: Specify an IP address manually


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The data collection infrastructure (DCI) collects response time breakdown data. When the DCI starts, it must look up the IP address of the local computer.

You need to have the data collection infrastructure installed on all hosts from which to collect response time breakdown data.

The DCI uses a call to... look up the IP address of the local computer. This call does not always return the correct IP address. An incorrect IP address prevents the dynamic discovery feature from working correctly. An incorrect IP address is returned in different situations:

If this problem occurs, a critical error is written to the RPA_MA.log file in...

In Windows, the log file is specified by the LOG_FILE_LOCATION variable in setenvironment.bat|sh.

To work around this problem...

  1. Specify the IP address of computer manually in...


  2. Edit the DCI_IP_ADDRESS= line to specify the correct IP address.

    For example, if computer IP address is, edit the line to read as follows:


  3. Restart the DCI.