Monitor response time breakdown


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Use response time breakdown to see statistics page elements...

Response time breakdown application monitoring shows how much time was spent in each part of the system under test as the system was exercised.

The response time breakdown view is associated with a page element (URL) from a particular execution of a test or schedule and shows the "insides" of the system under test.

The data collection mechanisms are on the systems under test, not the load drivers (Agent Controllers).

Response time breakdown provides information down to the Java EE method level for applications running on WebSphere Application Server or WebLogic Server.

You can collect response time breakdown data from HTTP and SOA tests. Response time breakdown does not apply to other protocols, such as SIP.

Typically you capture real-time response time breakdown data in development or test environments. For production environments data is generally imported.

Capture response time breakdown data

To capture response time breakdown data...

The data collection infrastructure collects response time breakdown data. Each host and agent computer on which the application runs and from which to collect data must have the DCI installed, instrumented and running.

Rational Performance Tester provides a limited ability to collect response time breakdown data. You can collect response time breakdown data for up to four processor cores on one application tier. For enhanced response time breakdown collection, use Rational Application Performance Analyzer, which is a version of RPT that is licensed for extended response time breakdown data collection.


  1. Enable response time breakdown collection
  2. Enable response time breakdown collection on Windows Vista
  3. Response Time Breakdown: Set logging levels
  4. Enable response time breakdown collection for specific page elements
  5. Specify an IP address manually