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Add a layout to the toolbar

We can add our own custom layout to the theme that can be selected on the site toolbar.

To add our own custom layout to the toolbar, first create a folder for the layout in...

...or copy and rename one of the existing layout folders. In the folder, create or modify layout.html, and create or modify the icon.gif file for the visual representation of the layout as it appears on the toolbar.

Add new layout to the site toolbar

  1. Open the layouts.json file in WebDAV at...


    If the file does not exist, create the file.

    1. Make sure the file has the following content:

        {localizationPackageName:'com.ibm.bundles', localizationBundleName:'Shelf', identifier:'label', items:[]}

    2. For each layout in dav:fs-type1/themes/myCustomTheme/layout-templates, add an entry like the following code sample to the JSON array in the file layouts.json.

      For example...

        {'label':'My Layout','url':'dav:themelist/myCustomTheme/layout-templates/myLayout/','id':'myLayout', 'thumbnail':ibmCfg.themeConfig.themeRootURI+'/layout-templates/myLayout/icon.gif','help':''}

  2. Refresh the browser cache.

  3. Reload the page to view the layouts in the Page > Layout tab of the site toolbar.

Parent Layouts