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Add the inline rating widget to the portal content

By default the inline rating widget is available for WCM content and blogs and wikis. We can also add inline rating widgets to the portal content as required.

To include an inline rating widget in a page or a portlet or other content, insert the following HTML snippet into the jsp or other code:

<div id="unique_ID" >
   <div dojoType="com.ibm.widgets.InlineRating"        resourceID="my_ID"        resourceTitle=”my_Title”
      ratingScope="all|community|personal|personal_public|personal_private|community_personal_public"        resourceType="NAVIGATION_NODE|CONTENT_NODE">
The parameters have the following meaning:

These parameters are mandatary. For information about the optional parameters see the Inline rating widget parameter reference.

To actually enable the widgets, you need to parse the surrounding <div> tag within the jsp using the following code:

dojo.addOnLoad(function(){           dojo.forEach(["uniqueID1", "uniqueID2", …], dojo.parser.parse, dojo.parser);

Parent: The inline rating widget