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Enable the HTTP Basic Authentication Trust Association Interceptor

Depending on the configuration, it might be necessary to enable the HTTP Basic Authentication Trust Association Interceptor. Verify whether the TAI is enabled. You do this in the WAS admin console. If it is not enabled, run the task enable-http-basic-auth-tai-sitesgmt as described in the following.

  1. Change to the following directory:


      ConfigEngine.sh enable-http-basic-auth-tai-sitesgmt -DPortalAdminPwd=foo -DWasPassword=foo

    This task uses the settings in the file wkplc_comp.properties to configure the TAI. Although the TAI settings are pre-configured to work without requiring adjustment, we can change the TAI settings after running the task if configure the TAI differently. If you do this, consult the reference topic about Properties for the Trust Association Interceptor in the portal information center.

  2. Stop and restart the portal.

Parent: Enable HTTP Basic Authentication for simple clients
The HTTP Basic Authentication Trust Association Interceptor
HTTP Basic Authentication Trust Association Interceptor in combination with external authentication servers
Configure the HTTP Basic Authentication Trust Association Interceptor
Reference: Properties for the Trust Association Interceptor