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Install and uninstall the Personalization Server


Personalization is installed by default with WebSphere Portal. If you choose to install Personalization to an instance of WAS, run the configuration task action-init-pzn-standalone, edit the pzn.properties file, and run the configuration task action-install-pzn-standalone. You can also uninstall the Personalization Server by running the task action-remove-pzn-standalone.

Install and uninstall the Personalization Server

  1. Create a WAS profile for the Personalization server, using this command:

    ./manageprofiles.sh -create \
                        -profileName pzn_profile \
                        -profilePath PROFILE_HOME/pzn_profile \
                        -templatePath PROFILE_HOME/profileTemplates/default

  2. cd profile_root/ConfigEngine and run the command to initialize the Personalization Server:

    ./ConfigEngine.sh -DPznProfileName=target_profile_name \
                      action-init-pzn-standalone \
                      -DPortalAdminId=userID \
                      -DPortalAdminPwd=password \
                      -DWasAdminId=WASuserID \

  3. Edit the file profile_root/ConfigEngine/pzn.properties to change the cell name, node name, server name, and profile name:

    WasSoapPort SOAP_CONNECTOR_ADDRESS in serverindex.xml of the Personalization Server profile
    WpsHostPort WC_defaulthost in serverindex.xml of the Personalization Server profile
    XmlAccessPort The port used by the XMLAccess configuration task to connect the XMLAccess server
    VirtualHostName The name of the Personalization Server virtual host
    WasUserHome The directory where Personalization Server profile is created
    ProfileName The name of Personalization Server profile name
    CellName The name of the Personalization Server Cell
    NodeName The name of the Personalization Server Node
    ServerName The name of the appserver of the Personalization Server

  4. To install the Personalization Server:

    cd profile_root/ConfigEngine 
    ./ConfigPzn.sh -DparentProperties=profile_root/ConfigEngine/pzn.properties \
                   -DSaveParentProperties=false \
                   -DPortalAdminID=portal_uid \
                   -DPortalAdminPwd=portal_password \
                   -DWasAdminID=WAS_uid \
                   -DWasPassword=WAS_password action-install-pzn-standalone 

  5. To uninstall the Personalization Server:

    cd profile_root/ConfigEngine 
    ./ConfigPzn.sh -DparentProperties=profile_root/ConfigEngine/pzn.properties \
                   -DSaveParentProperties=false \
                   -DPortalAdminId=xyzadmin \
                   -DPortalAdminPwd=xyzadminpasssword \
                   -DWasAdminId=xyzadmin  \
                   -DWasPassword=xyadminpassword action-remove-pzn-standalone

Parent topic:

Set up a Personalization server on WAS

Previous topic:

Plan for the Personalization Server