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Setting up a Personalization server on WAS

The WebSphere Portal product installs and configures Personalization software by default. However, you can choose to install Personalization to an instance of WAS. When Personalization is installed in this way, it is referred to as the Personalization Server. The Personalization Server enables you to deploy applications that have been developed with IBM WAS, serve personalized content to users, and record site metrics, without requiring that WebSphere Portal also be present on the server machine. While business rules may be run from any WAS installation, a full WebSphere Portal installation is still required as a workspace for authoring rules and campaigns.

The Personalization Server is not supported on IBM System i5 as a standalone server; Personalization is only supported on System i5 when installed with WebSphere Portal.

  1. Plan for the Personalization Server

    You might want to use the Personalization rules engine in an environment outside of WebSphere Portal.

    For example, you could use Personalization in a Web service that provides a personalized XML content stream. Alternatively, you could use it to generate an RSS feed. In these cases, Personalization is used as a service that is consumed by other software components on other servers.

  2. Installing and uninstalling the Personalization Server

    Personalization is installed by default with WebSphere Portal. If you choose to install Personalization to an instance of WAS, run the configuration task action-init-pzn-standalone, edit the pzn.properties file, and run the configuration task action-install-pzn-standalone. You can also uninstall the Personalization Server by running the task action-remove-pzn-standalone.

Parent topic:

Installing WebSphere Portal