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Portal, V6.1



This sample defines the policy type for a portal resource type.

Review this sample to see how the name/value pairs of policy attributes are set. Do not edit this XML sample. Do not attempt to use this XML sample with the XML configuration interface. This XML sample is provided for reference only.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<request xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" type="update" 
   <portal action="locate">
        <!-- Update Resource Types for POLICY_ROOT in the release domain -->
        <resource-type action="update" domain="rel" name="POLICY_ROOT">
    <inherits-from-type name="ICM_CONTENT" update="set" />
        <inherits-from-type name="POLICY" update="set" />        
        <valid-virtual-parent name="ICM_CONTENT" update="set"/>
        <valid-virtual-parent name="ICM_CONTENT_REPOSITORY" update="set"/>
        <!-- Update Resource Types for POLICY in the release domain -->
        <resource-type action="update" domain="rel" name="POLICY">
    <inherits-from-type name="ICM_CONTENT" update="set" />
        <inherits-from-type name="POLICY" update="set" />        
        <valid-virtual-parent name="ICM_CONTENT" update="set"/>
        <valid-virtual-parent name="ICM_CONTENT_REPOSITORY" update="set"/>


Parent topic

Sample Policy XML configuration files


Related reference

Policy XML file