Interface LogMenuService

All Superinterfaces:

Deprecated. since 6.0. Support of the IBM portlet API may be removed in a future release of WebSphere Portal. Use of the Java Portlet API (javax.portlet) is recommended instead.

public interface LogMenuService
extends PortletService

The LogMenuService service creates a logging version of a menu tree for debugging purposes. All calls to all exposed interfaces will automatically be logged to the standard Logger output. Create your desired menu tree first and wrap it with the log menu tree.

For an overview of Portlet Menus, start with MenuProvider.

Code example:

 // service for tree logging
 LogMenuService logService=null;
     logService = (LogMenuService) portletContext.getService(LogMenuService.class);
 catch ( PortletServiceUnavailableException e )
     throw new PortletException ("MemoryMenuTreePortlet: Exception: The LogMenuService is unavailable");
 catch ( PortletServiceNotFoundException e )
     throw new PortletException ("MemoryMenuTreePortlet: Exception: The LogMenuService has not been found");
 // wrap tree
     // service for tree logging
     wrappedMenuTree = logService.getMenuTree(menuTree);
 catch ( MenuTreeException mte )
     throw new PortletException ("MemoryMenuTreePortlet: Exception getting menu tree from service");


Method Summary
 MenuTree getMenuTree(MenuTree parent)
          Deprecated. Creates a menu tree that logs all method calls on top of an existing tree using the standard Logger output.

Method Detail


MenuTree getMenuTree(MenuTree parent)
Creates a menu tree that logs all method calls on top of an existing tree using the standard Logger output.

parent - menu tree to be observed
the same menu tree as specified as parameter parent. Additionaly, logging information is sent to the standard Logger output.