Interface PropertyListener

All Known Implementing Classes:
PortletWrapper, PortletWrapperBase

Deprecated. since 6.0.1 Support of the IBM portlet API may be removed in a future release of WebSphere Portal. Use of the Java Portlet API (javax.portlet) is recommended instead.

public interface PropertyListener

This interface may optionally be implemented by portlets written to the IBM portlet API.

It is an alternate mechanism by which interested portlets may be notified of changed properties propagated through WebSphere Portal's property broker. Other options are for the portlet to be notified through portlet actions (the actionPerformed method of the ActionListener interface), or through struts actions. The PropertyListener interface may be implemented by portlets that only need to update their current state based on property changes, rather than execute an action immediately. Multiple property changes can be passed in at the same time using the setProperties method defined in this interface, unlike the alternative of using actionPerformed, in which each action can currently only retrieve a single property change. Also, another advantage over using actionPerformed is that only a (name, value) pair for the property can be passed using actionPerformed, but using the setProperties method, the entire PropertyValue object can be obtained, which provides additional metadata associated with the property value.

See Also:
PropertyBrokerService, PropertyValue, ActionListener
This interface is designed to be implemented by clients.

Method Summary
 void setProperties(PortletRequest request, PropertyValue[] properties)
          Deprecated. Invoked by the Property Broker to deliver new property values which were changed in the current event cycle of the current request.

Method Detail


void setProperties(PortletRequest request,
                   PropertyValue[] properties)
Invoked by the Property Broker to deliver new property values which were changed in the current event cycle of the current request. The Property Broker may be notified of such changes when a portlet invokes the changedProperties in the PropertyBrokerService interface (explicit notification), or when a portlet action which has declared output parameters is invoked (implicit notification). setProperties is only invoked during the event phase. Since multiple explicit or implicit property change notifications may be made during an event cycle, one or more setProperties calls may be invoked on a single portlet instance during a single event cycle. The runtime may batch property values from multiple changedProperties calls in a single setProperties call. All properties are guaranteed to be delivered before the first endEventPhase call is delivered, which marks the start of the render phase.

request - the PortletRequest object for the current request
properties - an array of PropertyValue objects containing the the changed properties and their values.
See Also:
PropertyBrokerService, changedProperties, EventPhaseListener