
Exception Summary
AttributeNotDefinedException An Exception of type AttributeNotDefinedException is thrown, if it is tried to store not defined attributes
All available attributes can be received by calling
CookieUserNotRetrievableException An Exception of type CookieUserNotRetrievableException is thrown, if the user ID cannot be retrieved from a remember me cookie or if the retrieval of a using the obtained ID fails.
MandatoryAttributeMissingException An Exception of type MandatoryAttributeMissingException is thrown, if one or more mandatory attributes are not provided.
MemberAlreadyExistsException An Exception of type MemberAlreadyExistsException is thrown, if an entry for the given or already exists within the user storage system.
MemberNotFoundException An Exception of type MemberNotFoundException is thrown whenever the provided or could not be found within the user storage system.
ModifyReadOnlyAttributeException This Exception will be thrown whenever a read-only attribute is tried to be changed.
PumaAttributeException The PumaAttributeException covers exceptions related to Attribute read/write operations.
PumaException General top level exception for the package.
PumaMissingAccessRightsException The PumaMissingAccessRightsException is thrown whenever an action is executed without the necessary accessrights
PumaModelException The PumaModelException covers exceptions related to the User Model.
PumaSystemException The PumaSystemException covers exceptions related to the User Backend System.
SizeLimitExceedException A SizeLimitExceedException is thrown if the search result exceeds a
defined maximum amount of entries to be returned.