
This package contains the exceptions used by the state interfaces.


Interface Summary
CannotDecodeStateFromStringException.Location Location of the error

Exception Summary
AccessorException Base exception which is supposed to be thrown when an accessor factory type cannot be mapped to a corresponding factory implementation class.
CannotCloneDocumentModelException Exception representing the error case that a given DocumentModel cannot be cloned (e.g.
CannotCreateDocumentException Exception representing the error case that a document model factory cannot create a new state document (a DocumentModel).
CannotDecodeStateException Exception representing the error case that an input mediator cannot decode the state holder retrieved from a request URL.
CannotDecodeStateFromStringException Exception representing the error case that an input mediator cannot decode the state holder retrieved from a URL
CannotInstantiateAccessorException Exception representing the error case that a particular accessor factory specified in a config resource (e.g.
CannotInterpretCodecException Exception representing the error case that the codec information that has been encoded into a URL cannot be interpreted.
The codec indicates how to decode the state portion of the URL.
CannotInterpretStateException The state could be decoded but the content could not be interpreted.
CannotRetrieveUrlException Exception representing the error case that the URL cannot be retrieved from the current servlet request.
DocumentModelException Base exception for document model-related exceptions.
InputMediatorException Base exception for all input mediator exceptions.
InputMediatorSAXException Specific input mediator exception wrapping a SAXException.
InvalidConstantException Exception representing the error case that a constant object cannot be recognized.
InvalidPropertyException Exception representing the error case that a property (in particular the property value) specified in a properties file is considered as incorrect.
MissingPropertyException Exception representing the error case that a mandatory property has not been specified in a particular properties file.
NoCodecInUrlException Exception representing the error case that an input mediator cannot retrieve any codec information from the received URL.
OutputMediatorException Base exception for all output mediator exceptions.
OutputMediatorSAXException Custom exception which wraps a SAXException.
PostProcessorException Exception representing the error case that a post processor cannot perform its task properly.
PreProcessorException Exception representing the error case that a preprocessor cannot perform its task properly.
PropertyException Base exception for all error cases occuring when trying to initialize a class via a properties file.
StateException Root exception for all state related exceptions.
StateManagerException Exception which is thrown in the case that the state manager could not be instantiated, initialized, or configured properly.
StateManagerInitException Exception which is thrown in the case that the state manager could not be initialized properly (e.g.
StateManagerInstantiationException Exception which is thrown in the case that the state manager could not be instantiated properly.
StateParameterException Base class for exceptions thrown by
StorageException Base exceptions for all exceptions occuring during the processing of the storage phase.
UnknownAccessorTypeException Exception representing the error case that a given accessor type cannot be mapped to a concrete implementation class.
UnknownStateFormatException Exception representing the error case that a state holder retrieved from a URL cannot be decoded due to a unknown format.
UrlDoesNotContainInformationException The URL does not contain enough information to be parseable
UrlInputMediatorException Base exception for all exceptions occuring in a URL input mediator.

Package Description

This package contains the exceptions used by the state interfaces.

Package Specification

This package contains the exceptions used by the state interfaces.