Class CORResolutionService

  extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
CORService, ResolutionService

public class CORResolutionService
extends java.lang.Object
implements ResolutionService, CORService

Resolution service that implements itself by dispatching to a resolution service provided by the COR.


Field Summary
protected  ResolutionService defaultService
          default lookup service
protected static int LOG_LEVEL
          Loglevel to use
protected static Logger LOGGER
          Logging support for the lookup process
static ResolutionService SINGLETON
          Singleton that can be used to do COR lookups that don't require a fallback
Fields inherited from interface
Constructor Summary
          initialize the resolution service without default resolution service
CORResolutionService(ResolutionService aDefaultService)
          Initialize the resolution service passing a default service reference that will be used if no COR service can be found
Method Summary
protected  ResolutionService lookupService( uri, java.lang.Class<ResolutionService> cls, Context ctx)
          Uses the COR to find a service that exposes a particular interface.
 boolean resolve(Resolved res, uri, java.lang.String verb, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String[]> params, java.util.Set<Binding> acceptedBindings, Context ctx)
          Performs the resolution of the URI into navigational state by modifying the content of the resolved bean.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected static final int LOG_LEVEL
Loglevel to use


protected static final Logger LOGGER
Logging support for the lookup process


public static final ResolutionService SINGLETON
Singleton that can be used to do COR lookups that don't require a fallback


protected final ResolutionService defaultService
default lookup service

Constructor Detail


public CORResolutionService()
initialize the resolution service without default resolution service


public CORResolutionService(ResolutionService aDefaultService)
Initialize the resolution service passing a default service reference that will be used if no COR service can be found

aDefaultService - default resolution service, may be null
Method Detail


protected ResolutionService lookupService( uri,
                                          java.lang.Class<ResolutionService> cls,
                                          Context ctx)
                                   throws CoreException,
Uses the COR to find a service that exposes a particular interface. The fully specified classname of the interface is interpreted as the ID of the service

uri - POC URI to resolve
cls - class object for the service to locate
ctx - COR context
Implementation of the service handler for the URI and the specified class
CoreException - - some COR stuff failed
ServiceNotFoundException - - the service could not be located


public boolean resolve(Resolved res,
                       java.lang.String verb,
                       java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String[]> params,
                       java.util.Set<Binding> acceptedBindings,
                       Context ctx)
                throws ResolutionException,
Description copied from interface: ResolutionService
Performs the resolution of the URI into navigational state by modifying the content of the resolved bean. Implementations set the binding and modify the state holder controller that is part of the resolved bean. Implementors can choose to delegate to other service implementations of the resolution service and can pass the same Resolved object around to allow for an aggregation of navigational state modifications of such delegates.

Specified by:
resolve in interface ResolutionService
res - Value object that serves as an in/out parameter and that carries the navigational state.
uri - URI to resolve, not null
verb - resolution verb, may be null
params - additional context parameters that are required to perform the resolution. The map is probably unmodifiable and should not be modified even if it happens to be modifiable. The keys are of type String, the values of type String[].
acceptedBindings - unmodifiable set of the bindings that the caller accepts as results of the resolution process. Each entry in this set is an object that implements the Binding interface.
ctx - Resolution context
true if the resolver was able to process the URI, else false. A return value of false does not indicate an error situation. Reasons for not being able to resolve a URI could e.g. be an unsupported binding. Clients can in this case try to resolve the URI on their own or dispatch to a different ResolutionService.
ResolutionException - - if the URI cannot be resolved
StateException - - if errors during state modifications occur