Interface StepUpAuthHandler

public interface StepUpAuthHandler

This is the plug-point for custom step up handler implementations. The object is instantiated as a singleton and is supposed to be thread safe.

This interface is designed to be implemented by clients.

Method Summary
 java.lang.String establishAuthLevel(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
          This method is responsible for establishing the authentication level that is associated with this step-up authentication handler implementation.
If this step requires sending an HTTP redirect, the redirect URL has to be passed to the caller as return value of this method.
 void init(AuthLevelConfig config)
          This method initializes the singleton instance of this step-up authentication level handler.

Method Detail


void init(AuthLevelConfig config)
          throws SecurityException
This method initializes the singleton instance of this step-up authentication level handler. This method is called during the startup phase of WebSphere Portal server

config - The configuraiton provided for the step-up authentication level handler
SecurityException - If an unrecoverable problem occurs.


java.lang.String establishAuthLevel(HttpServletRequest request,
                                    HttpServletResponse response)
                                    throws SecurityException
This method is responsible for establishing the authentication level that is associated with this step-up authentication handler implementation.
If this step requires sending an HTTP redirect, the redirect URL has to be passed to the caller as return value of this method. This method is not allowed to directly send the HTTP redirect using the response object. If the method returns null, no redirect will be triggered and the authentication level is assumed to be successfully established. In this case (and only in this case) request processing is continued.

request - The current request.
response - The current response.
A redirect target URL or null.
SecurityException - If an unrecoverable problem occurs.