Interface ImplicitLogoutFilter

All Superinterfaces:

public interface ImplicitLogoutFilter
extends SecurityFilter

This interface can be implemented to realize a custom element in the filter chain for the implicit Portal logout, i.e. the logout that has been triggered by the Portal runtime after a session timeout, when an authenticated user accesses a public page, or if the current user is not member of the user realm associated to the virtual portal. The logout method can then be used to add additional logic before or after calling the next logout filter chain element by invoking the logout method on the LogoutFilterChain object passed in as the last argument. The order of the logout filter elements is defined by the logout.implicit.filterchain property in the Portal Authentication Service. The default filter implementation is always set as the last element in the chain and performs the necessary steps to logout the user both from WAS and Portal.

Each logout filter is instantiated as a singleton, so the implementor must make sure that the logout(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, FilterChainContext, LogoutFilterChain) method is thread-safe. The SecurityFilter.init(SecurityFilterConfig) method is called once during Portal startup and gets the values of all properties of the Portal Authentication Service that start with<fully qualified classname of the implementing class> passed in with the SecurityFilterConfig object. The SecurityFilter.destroy() method is called once when Portal is shut down.


Method Summary
 void logout(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp, FilterChainContext portalLogoutContext, LogoutFilterChain chain)
          Can be used to implement custom logout code for the implicit logout.
Methods inherited from interface
destroy, init

Method Detail


void logout(HttpServletRequest req,
            HttpServletResponse resp,
            FilterChainContext portalLogoutContext,
            LogoutFilterChain chain)
            throws LogoutException,
Can be used to implement custom logout code for the implicit logout. The implementation should call the corresponding logout method on the next element in the filter chain by invoking the logout method on the last argument passed in.

req - The servlet request.
resp - The servlet response. The implementor must not send a redirect on this object, but use the FilterChainContext object passed in as an argument to set a redirect target to be executed after the filter chain has been processed.
portalLogoutContext - A FilterChainContext object that can be used to share information between the logout filter implementations.
chain - The reference to the logout filter chain that has to be used to call the logout method of the next logout filter chain element.
LogoutException - This generic exception is thrown for all kinds of exceptions that can occur during the logout process. - Can be thrown by the logout method on the JAAS login context in WAS (performed by the default logout filter implementation).