Interface Invalidatable

All Known Subinterfaces:
ContentModel<E>, ContentModelController<T,M>, InvalidatableListModel<T>, InvalidatableTreeModel<E>, LayoutModel<E>, LayoutModelController<T,M>, MarkupList<T>, NavigationModel<E>, NavigationSelectionModel<E>, SelectionModel<T>, SkinList<T>, ThemeList<T>, WireModel<T>, WireModelController<T,M>

public interface Invalidatable

The Invalidatable interface is used on models to provide a way to invalidate all or parts of the model.

Invalidation for the models provided by portal is done automatically, it is not necessary to invoke this method directly. If it is invoked, parts or the complete model are refreshed, consuming additional execution time and memory.


Method Summary
 void invalidate()
          Invalidates the model.
 void invalidate(ObjectID anObjectID, InvalidationType aType)
          Invalidates all parts of the model that are influenced by the object with the given object id.

Method Detail


void invalidate()
Invalidates the model.


void invalidate(ObjectID anObjectID,
                InvalidationType aType)
Invalidates all parts of the model that are influenced by the object with the given object id. It is the responsibility of the model to determine affected parts by analysing the type of invalidation that occurs.

anObjectID - the id of the model part that changed
aType - the type of invalidation that is occurring