Interface Committable

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
ContentModelController<T,M>, PortletModelController

public interface Committable
extends Disposable

An interface to commit modifications. Controller interfaces may implement this interface to allow committing modifications made through the controller.


Method Summary
 void commit()
          Commits the modifications applied to the controller that implements this interface.
 void dispose()
          Indicate that the object will no longer be accessed

Method Detail


void commit()
            throws CannotCommitException
Commits the modifications applied to the controller that implements this interface. Implementations of this method must not perform database read access.

After the controller is committed successfully, this method must not be called again. The same is true for any other method modifying the controller or its nodes.

CannotCommitException - in case the modifications cannot be committed; if this exception occurs, the commit operation is considered unsuccessfully executed


void dispose()
Indicate that the object will no longer be accessed

Once this method is called, no further method calls on the controller are allowed. It is mandatory that this method is called whenever the committable instance is no longer used, e.g. by placing this in a finally block

Specified by:
dispose in interface Disposable