Portlet Factory, Version 6.1.2


Overview: web services

IBM® WebSphere Portlet Factory Designer allows you to call a web service.

You can access a web service by adding a Web Service Call builder to your model and use other builder calls to display or interact with the data returned by the service. The following are the general steps to accessing a web service.

  1. Find the URL to the web service.

  2. Add a Web Service Call builder call to a model.

  3. Invoke the service call.

  4. Access the outputs of the service.

You can expose one or more methods in a model as SOAP services described by a WSDL document. In the Service Definition builder, enable the Generate WSDL input. To obtain the URL of the WSDL document, enable the testing support and run the model. The test index page has a link to the WSDL URL.

You can create a web service from a model. Use the Web Service Enable builder for each method in your model that you want to expose as a web service. The following web service technologies are supported.

  • Web Services Description Language (WSDL) 1.1

  • Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) 1.1

  • Web Services Interoperability Organization (WS-I) Basic Profile recommendation

Parent topic: Developing Web applications

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