Portlet Factory, Version 6.1.2


Paging Assistant builder

The Paging Assistant builder provides the ability to navigate through a data set.

It adds an LJO to the WebApp that wraps the specified data source in an IXml object and contains methods to access records one page at a time or one record at a time. Use either a Paging Links or Paging Buttons builder call to add the data navigation controls to the page.


Using the Paging Assistant LJO

The Paging Assistant builder call adds an LJO to your WebApp that provides you with a set of methods that you can use to get information about the IXml object on which the Paging Assistant operates as well as navigate through that data. To view the available methods, highlight the Paging Assistant builder call in the builder call list and examine the builder_Call_NamePagingAssistant LJO in the WebApp view.

For example, the Paging Assistant LJO has a reset() method you can use to re-initialize the data on which the Paging Assistant operates as well as a getUpdatatedData() method that you can use to refresh the data on which the Paging Assistant operates.


Quick tips

  • Displaying data managed by the Paging Assistant -- In the builder call that you are using to display the data, set the Source Data to the PagingAssistantName Data variable. For example, if you name the Paging Assistant builder call PA, the name of the source data variable to use is: PAData.

    Note: Typically, the Source Data input is set to the XML element that contains the data over which a table row or repeated region repeats. However, this is not the case when using the Paging Assistant. The Data variable "contains" the actual data over which the row repeats.

Parent topic: Builder help

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