Portlet Factory, Version 6.1.2


Implementing a custom data retriever

If your data source can only provide a certain number of records per request or if you want to be able to dynamically retrieve data based on user input, you can create your own Java class that works as the data retriever for the Paging Assistant. You can implement your own data retriever to be used by the Paging Assistant by creating a Java class that implements the com.bowstreet.builders.webapp.methods.DataRetriever interface and adding an LJO for that class to the model. IBM® WebSphere Portlet Factory includes a sample DataRetriever implementation:

  • Java source file: WEB-INF/work/source/com/bowstreet/examples/datapaging/DirectoryListDataRetriever.java

  • Sample model: WEB-INF/factory/samples/datapaging/CustomDataRetriever

Parent topic: Paging Assistant builder

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