Portlet Factory, Version 6.1.2


Overview: working with XML

When you develop J2EE applications with IBM® WebSphere Portlet Factory, much of the underlying technology relies on XML.

For example, models are XML files; much of the data accessed with service calls is XML; and builder definitions are XML files. Typically, you do not need to directly deal with this XML code. WebSphere Portlet Factory Designer provides for interaction with the XML of the model, including the service call results and builders.

WebSphere Portlet Factory Designer prevents you from dealing directly with much of the underlying XML of a model. However, there are many tasks that require you to interact with XML structures, for example, processing form inputs, examining elements in an XML variable, and programmatically processing XML documents.

WebSphere Portlet Factory includes an interface, IXml, used to interact with all WebSphere Portlet Factory XML objects.

It is possible to use alternative XML representations such as DOM and JDOM. You can also implement your own representations.

Parent topic: Developing Web applications

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