Portlet Factory, Version 6.1.2


Overview: working with data services



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Portlet Factory Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) defines...

  • Service Provider Models that access backend data and services
  • Service Consumer or Presentation Models that provide the frontend web user interface.

WebSphere Portlet Factory automates the generation of both these layers and the necessary artifacts to enable loose coupling between them.

This clean separation of layers, combined with a set of SOA-specific WebSphere Portlet Factory features, allows you to de-couple implementation and testing of the UI from the backend access and to streamline SOA development and deployment.

The goals of WebSphere Portlet Factory supporting features for Service-Oriented Architectures are to:

  • Enable independence and flexibility between the presentation and the services layers, both at implementation and in deployment.

  • Speed SOA application development with increased levels of automation, including generating appropriate service testing pages.

  • Make the most common service creation scenarios (SQL, packaged applications, WSDL/SOAP) easy, including eliminating the need for backend access during implementation of the user interface (UI) (presentation layer).

  • Support a formal interface to speed the creation of alternate service implementations, for substituting backend interfaces or providing backup services.


See also

  1. Service Definition builder
  2. Service Operation builder
  3. Service Consumer builder
  4. Service Stub builder
  5. Service Test builder
  6. Service Documentation builder
  7. Using data services
  8. Additional SOA features available
  9. Building a presentation layer
  10. About building a service layer
  11. The data service models
  12. Example – building an SOA application
  13. Developing Web applications