Portlet Factory, Version 6.1.2


About building a service layer

There are two core builders used to create a service layer.

Service Definition builder

This builder creates underlying support for an initially empty service, provides an option for exposing the service via WSDL and names the service.

Service Operation builder

This builder adds an operation or method to the service defined by the Service Definition builder. The operation can invoke any data access support available in the model. Data access is usually provided by using one or more back-end integration builders, such as SAP Function or SQL Call, but can also be provided by a linked Java object (LJO) or any data-returning method.

Note: The Service Provider builder does not invoke the external data access API. Other builders (such as integration builders or an LJO builder) in the Provider model or in another included model, make the calls and bring the data into the WebApp. Service providers are built on top of those primitives. The Service Operation builder can also transform data from the structures used by the back-end system builder calls into the desired structures for the service being defined.

Parent topic: Overview: working with data services

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