Portlet Factory, Version 6.1.2


Filtering the display in the Project Explorer

You can control the types of elements that the Project Explorer displays by filtering the types that are not of interest. For example, you can display a list of only the models that the project uses.

Note: For the project tree to be displayed in Project Explorer, both Portlet Factory and either Java Elements or Resources must be selected.

To restrict or expand the list of resources displayed in the Project Explorer tree, click the menu icon () in the Project Explorer navigation bar, then click Filters, and select or clear the check box from the Available Filters options. Selecting a filter turns off the visibility of that filter type. For example, to display only the models that the project uses, select non-models to turn off the visibility of all resources that are not models.

You can also limit the inventory of resources to be displayed by clicking Available Content in the Filters dialog and selecting resources that you want to appear in the Project Explorer and clearing resources that you do not want to appear.

Parent topic: Using Project Explorer and the Model Navigator view

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