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Portal, V6.1


Producer checklist for exchanging information with a Consumer

Use this list to check whether you have provided and obtained all required information that exchange with the Consumer.


Information that a Producer provides to a Consumer

Mandatory information:

_______ The WSDL document that contains the WSRP service description of the Producer.
  This includes the two mandatory WSRP interfaces Service Description and Markup.
They are contained in the WSDL document.

Information that can be required. This depends on the setup of the Producer portal.

_______ The security setup of the Producer portal.
The Consumer needs this if the Producer has set up WSRP with security.
_______ The user registry information.
The Consumer needs this in most cases if the Producer has configured security by using WS-Security token forwarding.
_______ The SSL server certificate.
The Consumer needs this if the Producer portal has security set up with SSL client certificate authentication.
_______ Registration information.
The Consumer needs this if the Producer requires registration.
_______ Group IDs and handles of portlets.
The Consumer needs these if the Consumer administrator consumes a WSRP service from a Producer portal by using the XML configuration interface.

Optional information

       The two optional WSRP interfaces Portlet Management and Registration.
They are contained in the WSDL document listed above under mandatory information.


Information that a Producer obtains from a Consumer

Information that can be required. This depends on the security setup of the Producer portal.

_______ User information about users of the Consumer portal who will use the remote portlets.
If the Producer portal has security configured, the Producer needs this information to give the users of the Consumer portal access permission to the provided WSRP services.
_______ The SSL client certificate.
The Producer needs this if the Producer portal has security set up with SSL client certificate authentication.


Parent topic

Information that the Producer exchanges with the Consumer