Information that the Consumer exchanges with the Producer



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Before a Consumer can consume WSRP services from a Producer as remote portlets, you need some information from the Producer. Depending on your configuration, you might also need to provide information to the Producer. The information that Producers and Consumers exchange includes the following:


WSRP service description

WSRP consumers bind to services using the WSDL document of the Producer, which provides...


WSRP interfaces

To allow communication between the Producer portal and the Consumer portal, the Producer provides a set of WSRP standard interfaces to the Consumers...

Service Description Self-description of the Producer and its available portlets. Mandatory.
Markup Interface for requesting and interacting with markup fragments. Mandatory.
Portlet Management Grants access to the life cycle of the hosted portlets and to their persistent state. Optional.
Registration Not supported by the current implementation of the WSRP Producer in WebSphere Portal.

However, the WebSphere Portal Consumer can handle Producers that support WSRP registration interfaces. Optional.


WSRP security setup and user information

The Producer has the option to set up security for the provided WSRP services. This can be by SSL or by WS-Security, for example LTPA token forwarding. WSRP on the Consumer portal must be configured to use the same authentication mechanism as on the Producer portal. In most cases of WS-Security token authentication the Producer and Consumer portals must use the same user registry.

If the Producer portal has set up portal security for its WSRP services, the administrator of the Producer portal must assign access permissions to the users of the Consumer portal by using Portal Access Control. In this case the Producer needs to obtain the required user information from the Consumer.


SSL certificates

If the Producer has configured security for WSRP services by using SSL client certificate authentication, the Producer needs to provide the server certificate to the Consumer, and the Consumer needs to provide the client certificate to the Producer.


Registration information

If the Producer requires registration by the Consumer portal, the Producer needs to provide the required registration information to the Consumer.


Group IDs and handles of portlets

If a Consumer portal consumes a WSRP service from a Producer portal by using the XML configuration interface, the Consumer portal administrator needs to specify the handle and groupid of the remote portlet. Therefore the Producer provides that information to the Consumer.

The portlet handle and group ID are listed in the service description of the Producer. The portlet handle for each portlet that the Producer provides is listed in a portletHandle tag. The group ID for each portlet that the Producer provides is listed in the groupID tag of the service description.


See also

Consumer checklist for exchanging information with a Producer


Parent topic

Use your portal as a WSRP Consumer


Next topic:

Preparing security for a WSRP Consumer portal