

New work item: Create components

We want to be able to manage different parts of the project in different components owned by different teams. We first create a work item to track this task. Note that you can also create work items from the iteration plan.

Select File Æ New Æ Work Item.

Project Area: ITSO RedBank project

Work Item Type: Task

Enter the following information:

Summary: Create Components
Filed against: ITSO RedBank Project
Owned by: yourself
Planned for: Inception
Due: today's date

Save the Work Item. Select In progress. Save again.

Open the Team Artifacts View (Figure | 9-15).

Figure 29-15 Team Artifacts view: Stream, component, and work item history

Expand the Project Area node ITSO RedBank Project. Inside the node streams there is the stream called ITSO RedBank Project Team Stream, which contains the component ITSO RedBank Project Team Default Component.

Right-click the stream and select Open.

In the Components list select New. Enter the following names:

Java prototype Component

Web Application Component

When you select Save, the component initial baselines are created (Figure | 9-16).

Figure 29-16 Creation of additional components

In the Work Item editor for Create Components, select Resolve and Fixed.

Associate this work item with the InceptionIterationPlan (drag and drop it on the Top Items folder).