

Generating Javadoc with diagrams automatically

If you do not have diagrams that you want to embed to the generated Javadoc, you can let Application Developer to generate diagrams for you and embed them to the Javadoc.

To generate Javadoc with diagrams automatically, do these steps:

Select the project in the Package Explorer, and select Project Æ Generate Javadoc with Diagrams Æ Automatically.

In the Generate Javadoc with diagrams automatically dialog, enter the following data (Figure | -40):

Javadoc command: path to javadoc.exe


Keep the defaults for Diagrams.
Optionally select Contribute diagrams and diagrams tags to source if you want the @viz.diagram tags to be stored in the Java sources and the generated diagrams to be stored in the packages of the Java sources.
Click Finish to generate the Javadoc, then open the Javadoc and browse the classes with the generated diagrams.

Figure 8-40 Generate Javadoc with Diagrams Automatically dialog
