
Designate a server running Websense for use with the filter command. (Configuration mode.)

[no] url-server [(if_name)] host ip_address [timeout seconds] [protocol [TCP | UDP] version [1 | 4]


if_name The network interface where the authentication server resides. If not specified, the default is inside.
host ip_address The server that runs the Websense URL Filtering application.
timeout seconds The maximum idle time permitted before firewall switches to the next server you specified. The default is 5 seconds.
protocol The protocol can be configured using TCP or UDP keywords. The default is TCP protocol, version 1.
version The version of the protocol can be configured using 1 or 4 keywords.The default is TCP protocol, version 1. TCP can be configured using version 1 or version 4. UDP can be configured using version 4 only.

Usage Guidelines

The url-server command designates a server that runs Websense, a URL Filtering application. Once you designate the server, enable the URL filtering service with the filter command.

You can have a total of 16 URL servers.

Follow these steps to filter URLs:

  1. Designate a Websense server with the url-server command.

  2. Enable filtering with the filter command.

  3. If needed, improve throughput with the url-cache command. However, this command does not update Websense logs, which may affect Websense accounting reports. Accumulate Websense run logs before using the url-cache command.

  4. Use the show url-cache stats and the show pdm commands to view run information.

Additional information on Websense is available at www.websense.com/


The following example filters all outbound HTTP connections except those from the host:
    url-server (perimeter) host
     filter url  http 0 0 0 0
     filter url except 0 0