
PIX Device Manager (PDM) communication with a firewall over an HTTP server. The pdm disconnect command allows you to disconnect a specific PDM session using a session_id obtained with the show pdm sessions command. The show pdm sessions command lists all the open PDM sessions going to a firewall. (Configuration mode.)

The pdm disconnect command and the show pdm sessions command are accessible through the command line. The clear pdm, pdm history commands, pdm location, and pdm logging commands may appear in the configuration and are available through the Cli, but they are designed to work as internal PDM-to-firewall commands accessible through PDM.

clear pdm

pdm disconnect session_id

show pdm sessions

[no] pdm history enable

show pdm history 
   [view {all|12h|5d|60m|10m}]
   [feature {all|blocks|cpu|firewall|ids|interface <if_name>|

pdm location ip_address netmask if_name

[no] pdm logging [level [messages]]

no pdm logging 

show pdm logging


pdm Pertaining to the Cisco PIX Device Manager.
clear pdm Removes all locations, disables logging and clears the PDM buffer. Internal PDM command.
pdm disconnect Disconnects the specified PDM session from the firewall.
session_id PDM session ID number available from the show pdm sessions command.
show pdm sessions Displays a session_id for each active PDM session to the firewall, beginning with session number 0.
history enable Internal PDM command. Take a data sample and store the sample data to the PDM history buffer. The no version of this command disables PDM data sampling.
show pdm history Internal PDM command. Displays the contents of the PDM history buffer.
12h | 5d | 60m | 10m | all Specifies the PDM history view to display: 12 hours (12h), 5 days (5d), 60 minutes (60m),10 minutes (10m), or all history contents in the PDM history buffer.
snapshot Displays only the last PDM history data point.
feature This specifies to display history for a single feature (selected with one of the following). Otherwise, all of them are displayed.
blocks History for system buffers. Similar to output of the show blocks command.
cpu History for CPU usage. Similar to output of the show cpu usage command.
failover History for failover. Similar to output of the show failover command.
ids History for IDS (Intrusion Detection System).
memory History for memory. Similar to output of the show_memory command.
perfmon History for performance. Similar to output of show perfmon command.
xlates History for translation slot information. Similar to output of the show xlate command.
pdmclient Displays the PDM history in PDM-display format.
location Internal PDM command. Associates an interface with an IP address on which PDM resides.
ip_address Specifies the host or network on which PDM resides.
netmask Specifies the network mask for the pdm location ip_address.
if_name Specifies the interface name on which PDM resides.
logging Internal PDM command. Specifies the type and number of syslog messages displayed through the PDM syslog option.
level Specifies the priority level of syslog messages displayed in the PDM syslog option.
messages Specifies the number of messages stored in the PDM buffer. Once the buffer is full, old messages will be discarded.
show pdm logging Internal PDM command. Displays the contents of the PDM buffer within PDM.


Default PDM syslog level is 0. Default logging messages is 100 and the maximum is 512.


Associate an interface to an ip_address/netmask pair. Specifying an existing pair will replace the old definition. The PDM syslog messages are stored separately from the firewall syslog accessed through the logging buffered command.

The clear pdm location command will remove all of the PDM locations. The clear pdm logging command will clear the PDM log without disabling it.


To report the last data point in PDM-display format:

show pdm history 10m snapshot pdmclient

To report the last data point in non-PDM format:

pix(config)# show pdm history 10m snapshot