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Granularity is the time interval between two plotted points on a same curve for a specific test duration.

A low granularity produces a more readable curve, whereas a high granularity produces a more accurate curve.

Default granularity of graphs can be configured in Edit > Preferences > Graphs.

It is possible to overwrite the default graph granularity for a specific graph and update its granularity directly in the Runtime and Results sections.

  1. Select the graph you want to modify.
  2. Click on the vertical toolbar.

    A vertical slider with values range: Most, More, Default, Less, Least appears.

  3. Select the granularity you want to apply on the selected graph. See the examples below to help you choose the granularity best suited for your graphs.

    The selected granularity is updated when you release the mouse from the slider.

    Examples: For a test lasting 20 minutes, NeoLoad will aggregate the values recorded each second to produce a point every:

    With "Standard" default granularity configured in Edit > Preferences > Graphs > Granularity:

    • 10 seconds if you choose "Default"
    • 5 seconds if you choose "Most"
    • 5 seconds if you choose "More"
    • 20 seconds if you choose "Less"
    • 40 seconds if you choose "Least"

    With "Highest" default granularity configured in Edit > Preferences > Graphs > Granularity:

    • 5 seconds if you choose "Default"
    • 1 seconds if you choose "Most"
    • 1 seconds if you choose "More"
    • 10 seconds if you choose "Less"
    • 20 seconds if you choose "Least"

Caption bar

The caption can be sorted out by column with a click on the column title. The following columns are available:


The icon indicates a performance counter for which one or more alert thresholds have been set.

  • Alerts are shown by an extra notification against the performance counter icon: for a warning alert, for a critical alert.

  • Alerts are also displayed on graphs as yellow and red zones. The alert thresholds are only shown for the graph curve selected in the legend bar.

    To hide or show the alerts and thresholds:

    • Right-click, then select Show alert zones or Show thresholds.

    You may display a tooltip for alerts and thresholds:

    • Move the mouse pointer over the alert zone or threshold.

    Use graph templates

    During the application testing process, it may prove necessary to plot the same graphs for the project in order to check performance progress as the various changes are made to the application and server settings. The Templates tab allows saving time in plotting default graphs for average page response times, test throughput, and so on. Custom graph templates can be created too.

    The templates are saved to the project. When a test result cannot be traced on a graph template in its entirety, the graph shows all the statistics and monitors that can be plotted. A case in point is where the template includes a statistic for a page not played during the test.

    • To create a custom graph template

    1. Create a graph the normal way (select the statistics or monitors, colors, etc.).
    2. Click the Templates tab.
    3. Select a custom template group, or create a new group by right-clicking on the Custom templates node.
    4. Add the current graph to the template by right-clicking on the group node or by dragging and dropping it.
