WebSphere Lombardi Edition 7.2 > Simulating and optimizing processes
Configuration requirements for simulation
If you are developing process models and want to perform simulations using Lombardi Optimizer, you must complete the following tasks in the order shown.
You can quickly run a simulation for a single process using default simulation values. To do so, open the process in Lombardi Authoring Environment and select Playback > Simulate (Single) Process from the main menu.
Task Description See Set up simulation profiles For each item in a process model, provide estimates for task duration, probabilities for gateways, and other values on which to base your simulations. Lombardi provides a default simulation profile that you can use or you can create one or more new profiles. The advantage of profiles is that they let you specify and save different estimates for specific situations that you know might occur in your environment. Set up simulation profiles Set Participant Group simulation properties For each Participant Group, provide estimated capacity, availability, efficiency, and cost per hour. Lombardi provides a default capacity and cost per hour for each Participant Group, but you should adjust these settings before running simulations to reflect the workload in your environment. Set simulation properties for participant groups Create simulation analysis scenarios Specify the process models to include, the simulation properties and values (simulation profile) to use for each included process, the number of instances to simulate, and other values. The advantage of simulation scenarios is that they enable you to group and compare performance for different sets of processes. Create simulation analysis scenarios
- Set up simulation profiles
- Set simulation properties for participant groups
- Create simulation analysis scenarios
Parent topic: Simulating and optimizing processes