WebSphere Lombardi Edition 7.2 > Simulating and optimizing processes > Configuration requirements for simulation

Create simulation analysis scenarios

You can create simulation analysis scenarios and store them in the Lombardi library. When you define a simulation analysis scenario, you provide information that the Optimizer requires such as the processes to include in the simulation, the simulation properties and values (simulation profile) for each process, and so on.

  1. In the Designer in Lombardi Authoring Environment, click the plus sign next to Processes and select Simulation Analysis Scenario from the list of components.
  2. Enter a name for the scenario and click Finish.
  3. In the Scenarios editor, provide the following information:

    Dialog area Field or control Description
    Common Documentation Optionally provide a description in this field.
    Simulation Data Filters Start Time Use the calendar and clock counter to indicate a start time for the scenario.
    Limit running time Click this option if you want to limit the simulated running time for the processes included in the analysis. If so, provide the running time in days, hours, and minutes.
    Limit process instances Click this option if you want to limit the number of process instances that the simulation runs. If so, select the process and then provide the number of instances.
    Processes Apps to Include in Analysis Click the Add button to choose the process applications that you want from the Lombardi repository. (Lombardi lists the process applications to which you have Read access.) Choose the process applications that contain the processes that you want to analyze. Be sure to select the correct snapshot (version) to analyze. Select (Current) to analyze the current working version. To remove a process application, click the application name and then click the Remove button.

    If you select multiple snapshots (versions) to analyze, the first version listed in the table determines the participant group definition used. You can use the Up and Down buttons to change the order of the process applications if you know you want to use the participant group definition from a different version for your scenario.

    Processes to Include in Analysis Click the Add button to choose the processes that you want to analyze. (Lombardi lists the BPDs that reside in the selected process applications.) If the Simulation Profile associated with the process that you choose is not the profile that you want, click the name of the profile in the right column, which enables you to choose another profile using a drop-down menu. If no profiles have been defined, only the Default profile is available. To remove a process, click the process name and then click the Remove button.
    Participant Group Overrides Add/Remove Click the Add button to choose one or more of the participant groups from the selected process applications. Then change the values that you want to override, such as the capacity, cost per hour, and so on. (In the Capacity column you can type + value or -value to increase or decrease the capacity by a certain number of participants. You can also type just a value to specify an absolute capacity such as 10.) This table enables you to run a scenario with different settings for your participants without changing the actual Participant Group definitions, which can help you simulate different workloads. To remove overrides that you've set, click a participant group name and then click Remove.

    If you specify Participant Group Overrides for multiple participant groups and a member belongs to one or more of those groups, that member uses the simulation overrides specified for the first participant group in the table. You can use the Up and Down buttons to change the order of the participant groups in the Participant Group Overrides table.

To run a simulation using a defined scenario

Parent topic: Configuration requirements for simulation


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