WebSphere Lombardi Edition 7.2 > Manage the Process Center repository

Import files from previous versions of Lombardi

When you import files from previous versions of Lombardi, be aware of the following:

To import files from previous versions of Lombardi:

  1. In the Process Center Console, select the Process Apps tab.

  2. Click the Import Process App option shown in the following image:

  3. In the Import Process App dialog, click the Browse button to locate the export file that you want to import.

  4. Click the Next button to continue.

  5. The Process Center Console requests the information required to create the new process application to contain the imported assets.

    Enter a name and an acronym for the new process application.

    The acronym for a process application must be unique and is limited to seven characters. Lombardi uses the acronym as an identifier for this process application and the library items that it contains. For example, when manipulating the items within the process application using the Lombardi JavaScript API, you can use the acronym to specify the namespace of the items.

    Providing a description is optional. When you enter a description, you can view it in the Process Center Console by clicking the question mark next to the process application name.

  6. Click the Import button to import the selected file.

  7. When the import completes, you can see the new process application listed in the Process Apps tab. You can grant access to other users.

    Administrators can see a log of all imports by clicking the Admin option at the top-right of the Process Center Console and then clicking Import and Export Log.

  8. Click the Open in Designer option to view and edit the imported assets.

    When importing from a previous version of Lombardi, all library items are placed into a single process application. For larger imports, you should examine the resulting process application and move groups of related items to other process applications and toolkits, according to an organization that makes sense for your development efforts. For example, if the imported file includes multiple library items to be shared across projects, move those items to a toolkit, following the directions provided in Copying or moving library items.

    When you are finished organizing library items in individual process applications and toolkits, you should verify the implementation and data mappings of activities and services to ensure that all required implementations have been properly updated to reflect their new location.

Parent topic: Manage the Process Center repository


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