WebSphere Lombardi Edition 7.2 > Modeling processes > Advanced modeling tasks > Integrate with other systems

Create inbound integrations

For inbound integrations that involve an external system or application calling into Lombardi to kick off a service, you need to build several Lombardi components and corresponding services. See the sections listed in the following table for more information:

Lombardi component Description See...
All items required for an inbound integration Several components must work together to complete an inbound integration. You can use the procedures in the referenced section to build and test a complete integration. Build a sample inbound integration
Message events Use a message event to represent a point in your process where an incoming message is received from an external system. Modeling message events
Undercover Agent (UCA) When you include a Message Event in a BPD, you must attach a UCA to the event to call the service that you specify. For example, when a message event is received from an external system, a UCA is needed to invoke the appropriate service in response to the message. Understand and using Undercover Agents
Web Service Lombardi can publish Web services in the same way that it consumes Web services. Using a SOAP connection, external applications can call the Lombardi Web Service to initiate a particular service or set of services. Publish Lombardi Web Services

Parent topic: Integrate with other systems


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