
Returns the service level of installed Security Verify Access files using the IBM Security Verify Access Runtime for Java package. This utility is for use by support personnel.

pdjservicelevel directory

The pdjservicelevel utility recursively scans the specified directory and returns the name and service level for each file to standard output. Only executable programs, shared libraries, archives, and other such files have a service level.

If the service level for a file cannot be determined, the string "Unknown" is written to standard output. Generally, ASCII files and other such files do not have service levels. For this utility to determine the service level of a JAR file, the Java™ jar utility must exist in the system PATH statement. When the jar utility cannot be found, the service level that is reported for all JAR files is "Unknown".



This utility is installed as part of the IBM Security Verify Access Runtime for Java package. It is in one of the following default installation directories:

  • On Windows operating systems:
    C:\Program Files\Tivoli\Policy Director\sbin

    When an installation directory other than the default is selected, this utility is in the /sbin directory under the installation directory (for example, installation_directory/sbin).

    Return codes

      The utility completed successfully.

      The utility failed. When a utility fails, a description of the error and an error status code in hexadecimal format is provided (for example, 0x15c3a00c). See the Messages topics in the Knowledge Center.

    Parent topic: Serviceability commands