Install IBM Security Verify Access Runtime for Java

Extract the contents of the runtime package file to install the IBM Security Verify Access Runtime for Java system and use the pdjrtecfg utility to configure it.


  1. Log on as root for UNIX systems or a user with Administrator group privileges for Windows systems.

  2. Download the runtime package file from the appliance.

    1. Go to System > File Downloads.
    2. Download the runtime package file from the Verify Access directory.

  3. Extract the contents of the file.

  4. Ensure that either IBM Java Runtime or the JRE provided with WebSphere Application Server is installed.

    IBM Security Verify Access Runtime Runtime for Java configures extra security features into the specified JRE.

  5. To set up the runtime with a configuration type of Full, ensure that both the policy server and registry server are running. If the configuration type is standalone, this step is not required.

  6. Ensure that either the IBM Java Runtime or the JRE provided with WebSphere Application Server can be located in the PATH environment variable.

  7. Configure the IBM Security Verify Access Runtime for Java component:

      pdjrtecfg -action config -interactive

    You will be asked for various parameters, including the hostname and port of the policy server, and the ISAM domain name (Default is Default).

This step completes the setup of the runtime.

Parent topic: Set up a Verify Access Runtime for Java system