Software Development Kit

Use the Software Development Kit to create customized components such as our own obligation handler or authentication mechanism.

The Advanced Access Control Software Development Kit includes extensions that used to create an obligation handler or an authentication mechanism.

Use the obligation handler extension point so that obligations are handled at the policy decision point before it returns the result to the policy enforcement point application. Use the authentication mechanism extension point to create conditions that successfully authenticate a user.

Extensions created using the Software Development Kit are run in a restricted environment in to prevent accidental damage to appliance resources. This step is done by denying access to function calls that require certain permissions. If your implementations call to such functions, directly or indirectly, the code execution is stopped and an AccessControlException error is displayed. The following are the restricted permissions that cause exceptions:

For information about creating an obligation handler or authentication mechanism, see the Developing section in developerWorks®.

For information about managing extensions in the local management interface, see Extensions.

Parent topic: Developing for Advanced Access Control