JavaServer Pages (JSP)

WAS supports the Sun Microsystems JavaServer Pages (JSP) Specification 1.2. JSPs written to the JSP Specification 1.1 are upward compatible with JSP Specification 1.2.

JSP files enable the separation of HTML code from business logic in Web pages so it is easier for HTML programmers and Java programmers to collaborate in creating and maintaining pages.

See the topics below for more information about developing JSP files for your Web applications:

JSP processor
See this topic for an overview of the WAS JSP processor.

JSP tag extensions support
The JSP specification allows you to create your own custom tags. This topic describes how to develop your own JSP tag set and add it to your Web application.

IBM extensions to JSP tags
WAS provides extensions to the JSP tag set for accessing databases and working with database beans. See this topic for syntax and examples.

Pre-touch tool for compiling and loading JSP files
See this topic for information about how to compile, classload, and JIT-compile JSP files at application server startup time.

JSP batch compilation
See this topic for information about the JspBatchCompiler script, which allows you to manually compile JSP files in batch.

Disable JSP run-time compilation
See this topic for information about how to disable JSP run-time compilation for all Web applications or for an individual Web application.

Reduce JSP compile time
See this topic for information about an initialization parameter that is available in WAS that helps reduce JSP compile times.