JSP batch compiler

WAS allows you to compile JavaServer Pages files written to the JSP specification as a batch. This improves performance by reducing the response time on the first request. Prior versions of WAS compile JSP files only when the page is first requested. For iSeries, another option to consider is to use the Pre-touch tool which can compile and load JSP class files into the Application server JVM for improved performance over the JSP batch compiler.


The JSPBatchCompiler script is available in WAS.


To run this script, your user profile must have *ALLOBJ authority.


To use the batch compiler for JSP files, follow these steps:

  1. On an iSeries command line, run the Start Qshell (STRQSH) command.
  2. The Qshell command prompt $ appears.
  3. To change your directory, enter
    cd /QIBM/ProdData/WebAS5/Base/bin
  4. Run the JspBatchCompiler command.

Syntax and parameters

The syntax of the JspBatchCompiler command:

  JspBatchCompiler -enterpriseapp.name name
    [ -instance name ]
    [ -webmodule.name name ]
    [ -cell.name name ]
    [ -node.name name ]
    [ -server.name name ]
    [ -classloader.parentFirst <true|false>]
    [ -classloader.singleWarClassloader <true|false>]  
    [ -filename jsp name ]
    [ -keepgenerated <true|false> ]
    [ -verbose <true|false> ]
    [ -deprecation <true|false> ]

where the parameters are:

Note: If the names that are specified for these arguments are composed of two or more words separated by spaces, add quotation marks (") around the names.

Following compilation, compiled .class files for the JSPs in the examples Web module are found within the temp subdirectory of the instance. For the default instance, this is /QIBM/UserData/WebAS5/Base/default/temp.