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Create a differential release using PAA

Update the Portal Application Archive (PAA) file, create a differential release from the source server.

  1. Install, configure, and upgrade WebSphere Portal on the staging server. This step includes database and security configurations.

  2. Develop a release on the staging server. As part of this step, we might have pages, portlets, themes, skins, personalization rules, web content, and other items.

  3. cd WP_PROFILE/ConfigEngine

  4. Create a PAA file for the differential release, including PAA files for all virtual portals.

      ./ConfigEngine.sh build-initial-release-paa \
          -DdestPAADir=/builds/ver2/store/WebSpherePortal.paa  \
          -DpreviousPAA=/builds/ver1/WebSpherePortal.paa  \
          -DWasPassword=foo \

    The directory entered for the destPAADir parameter must be an existing directory.

    Add the following parameters to customize the build-initial-release-paa task.

      javaoption Add this parameter if we are staging a large set of data. For example, add this string to your command, -javaoption -Xmx2048M. Depending on the system and the amount of data, the -Xmx value might be higher. Use 2048M as a starting value.
      previousPAA Location of the previous PAA file. Defines the Release Builder changes. For example, add this string to the command...

      sharedAppResourcesRootDir The directory for .jar files, classes, and compressed files that are then stored in the shared/app directory.
      sharedExtResourcesRootDir The directory for .jar files, classes, and compressed files that are then stored in the shared/ext directory.
      appsToExtract A comma-separated list of applications to extract from the source environment. For example, we might extract the "wps_theme,iehs,dojo_resources" files. They would then be packaged in the PAA file.
      exportWebDavTheme Enter a value of true to download and include the themes.zip file from WebDAV.

  5. To deploy the updated PAA file, see Deploy the initial release and follow the steps.

Parent Staging to production

Related tasks:

Deploy the initial release
Deploy the initial release in a multiple cluster