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Parameters to customize the release

We can use these parameters to customize the build-initial-release-paa task when we are creating the initial or differential release.

    previousPAA Points to a previous PAA file, which is used to create an updated PAA file.
    sharedAppResourcesRootDir The directory for shared application resources that are added to the PAA file.
    sharedExtResourcesRootDir The directory for the shared/ext resources that are added to the PAA file.
    appsToExtract A comma-separated list of applications to extract from the IBM WebSphere Application Server PAA file.
    exportWebDavTheme When true add WebDAV theme resources to the PAA file.
    exportREP Add Resource Environment Provider custom properties to the PAA file. Its default is true.
    versionPAA Version number of the PAA file that you created. The default is 1.
    minorVersionPAA Set to the minor version number of the PAA file that you created. The default is 0.
    destPAADir Write PAA files to the specified directory. Default is the system temporary directory.
    exportUniquePortalPAA Set to true to export the unique portal resource to the base of the virtual portal. The default is true.
    exportSharedPortalPAA Set to true to export the shared resource from the base portal. The default is true.
    exportPortalSiteLib Set to true to export the Portal site library that is used by the managed pages feature. The default is true if managed pages is turned on.
    exportManagedPages Set to true to export managed pages with XMLAccess. The default is false if managed pages is turned on and true if managed pages is turned off.
    exportPAAUrlMappings Set to true to include URL mappings in the PAA file. The default is true.
    exportWcmData Set to true to include HCL Web Content Manager content in the PAA file. The default is false. Use the exportWcmData parameter only for the initial release. Use syndication for your Web Content Manager differential content.
    javaoption Add this parameter if you are staging a large set of data. For example, add this string to your command: -javaoption -Xmx2048M. Depending on your system and the amount of data, the -Xmx value might be higher. Use 2048 Mb as a starting value.