Enable the change history for approved and canceled task groups

To maintain the change history for approved or canceled task groups, configure how the change history is recorded for changes that are made within a task group.

Task info

By default, workspace change history is enabled when you enable the WorkspaceChangeHistoryEnabled property as part of enabling workspaces for the environment. When this basic workspace change history is enabled, a change history record is created whenever an object is created, updated, or deleted within a workspace. This recording maintains a log at the task group level of all changes that are made to business objects in a task group that is not approved or canceled. The change history records are stored in the CMPRMYOBJ database table for the workspace where the changes occurred.

If you enable only this basic history recording, the history records for task group changes are deleted when the task group is approved or canceled. While the task group is not approved or canceled, the change history records for the task group are visible within the properties view History tab for the task group. The records in this tab can be opened, undone, and compared to approved content while the task group is not approved or canceled. To improve the change history recording for a task group, we can enable the base change history recording and audit history recording for task group changes. To enable these history recording options, we can enable the following configurable properties:

If your enable the BaseChangeHistoryEnabled and WorkspaceChangeHistoryAuditEnabled properties, the change history for approved or canceled records remain visible in the properties view for the task group. The base change history records are also created for the approved task groups. The change history behavior for task groups that are not approved or canceled does not change from the default behavior. When the task group is deleted, the change history records are also deleted, regardless of the properties enabled.


  1. Open the WebSphere Commerce configuration file.

  2. Optional: Enable the base change history recording for workspace task groups.

    1. In the wc-server.xml file, search for the <BaseChangeHistoryEnabled /> configurable property.

    2. Set the value for this property to "true" to enable recording the base change history for task groups in the database. To disable this change history recording, set the value to "false".

  3. Optional: Enable the audit change history recording for approved or canceled workspace task groups.

    1. In the wc-server.xml file, search for the <WorkspaceChangeHistoryAuditEnabled /> configurable property. If this property does not exist, you need to add the property to the file. The default value for the property is "false".

    2. Set the value for this property to "true" to enable recording the change history for approved or canceled task groups in the properties view History tab for the task group. To disable this change history recording, set the value to "false".

  4. Save and close the file.

  5. Update the deployment package to include your updated files.

What to do next

Package our changes to the WebSphere Commerce configuration file for deployment.

Related concepts
Workspaces overview
Workspaces, task groups, and tasks
Workspace Management tool

Related tasks
Enable Workspaces
Viewing task group changes
Manage task groups

Related reference
Workspaces limitations