Migration - WebSphere Commerce v7



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  1. Overview of a migration project
  2. High level steps for an sample switchover migration
  3. Create a migration plan
  4. Plan and sizing sample template
  5. System requirements
  6. Introduction to WebSphere Commerce migration
  7. Migration paths
  8. ... for WebSphere Commerce Developer
  9. ... for WebSphere Commerce
  10. ... by operating system
  11. WebSphere Commerce Migration wizard
  12. Migrate WebSphere Commerce Developer
  13. Migrate WebSphere Commerce
  14. Take the first steps after WebSphere Commerce migration
  15. Deploy the migrated custom code
  16. Host name change for e-mail template
  17. Reuse custom staging triggers
  18. Migrate from Member Manager to Virtual Member Manager
  19. Configure WebSphere Application Server for use with WebSphere MQ
  20. Version 5.6.1 Configuring the SSL Accelerator option after migration
  21. Verify encryption settings
  22. Migrate LikeMinds Personalization Server
  23. Migrate the LikeMinds database
  24. Migrate the LikeMinds DB2 database
  25. Migrate the LikeMinds Oracle database
  26. Migrate promotions
  27. Promotion migration planning
  28. Migration limitation for certain order-level promotions
  29. Migrate promotions built on default promotion types: complete migration
  30. Migrate promotions: partial migration
  31. Migrate promotions built on custom promotion types
  32. Migrate coupon data to digital wallets
  33. Sample promotionMigrationConfig XML file
  34. Sample promotionMigrationControlInfo XML file
  35. Partial migration XSL template
  36. Sample OrderLevelPercentOff XSL template
  37. Promotion type mapping in the promotion migration utility
  38. Migrate marketing
  39. Migrate marketing from WebSphere Commerce Accelerator to Management Center v7
  40. Overview of migrating marketing from WebSphere Commerce Accelerator to Management Center v7
  41. Migrate campaigns and Web activities from WebSphere Commerce Accelerator to Management Center
  42. Enable Management Center marketing features
  43. Review settings in the marketing component configuration file (wc-admin-component.xml) for Management Center
  44. Configure the site to support optional Management Center marketing features
  45. Update store pages to use the e-Marketing Spot JSP sample for Management Center
  46. Options for managing content spots after moving to Management Center
  47. Migrate marketing from Management Center v6 Feature Pack 3 or 4 to Management Center v7
  48. Enable Management Center marketing features
  49. Review settings in the marketing component configuration file (wc-admin-component.xml) for Management Center
  50. Configure the site to support optional Management Center marketing features
  51. Review the latest sample e-Marketing Spot JSP snippet for Management Center
  52. Configure the site to use WebSphere Commerce Accelerator Marketing instead of the Management Center Marketing tool
  53. Migrate store data
  54. Overview of migrating store functions and store style from WebSphere Commerce Accelerator to Management Center
  55. Migrate store functions and store style from WebSphere Commerce Accelerator to Management Center
  56. Migrate Management Center user interface files to support new store functions and store style settings
  57. Migrate attribute data
  58. Overview of migrating attributes to the attribute dictionary
  59. Migrate existing attributes to the Management Center attribute dictionary
  60. Migrate from a previous payment implementation
  61. Migrate WebSphere Commerce Payments Multipayment Framework to v7 (compatibility mode)
  62. Migrate Payments database
  63. Migrate the Payments application
  64. Migrate Payments application using one machine
  65. Migrate Payments application using two machines
  66. Post Payments application and database tier migrating steps
  67. Migrate to the WCPayments plug-in
  68. Migrate Payments database
  69. Migrate the Payments application
  70. Migrate Payments application using one machine
  71. Migrate Payments application using two machines
  72. Configure cassettes
  73. Post Payments application and database tier migrating steps
  74. ... WCPayments plug-in
  75. Migrate from WebSphere Commerce Payments Multipayment Framework to a payment plug-in
  76. Convert custom V5.x payment task or policy command implementations to a payment plug-in
  77. Replacement commands for WebSphere Commerce Payments Multipayment Framework commands
  78. Migrate to the Paymentech plug-in
  79. Migrate from the WCPayments plug-in using the Paymentech cassette to the Paymentech plug-in
  80. Migrate from the Paymentech cassette to the Paymentech plug-in
  81. Migrate from WebSphere Commerce Accelerator to Management Center
  82. Migrate Management Center
  83. Overview: Migrating Management Center
  84. Maintenance and migration considerations for the Management Center
  85. Migration steps required for different types of customizations
  86. ... from v6 Feature Pack x to v7
  87. Prepare to migrate Management Center customizations
  88. Identify customizations on Management Center v6 Feature Pack x
  89. Migrate customized Management Center files
  90. from v7 Feature Pack x to v7 Feature Pack y
  91. Identify customizations on Management Center v7 Feature Pack x
  92. Migrate customized Management Center files


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