Migrate > Migrating WebSphere Commerce Developer > Take the first steps after migrating WebSphere Commerce Developer
Changing the development database type using the setdbtype command
After you install WebSphere Commerce Developer, the development environment is configured to use the Apache Derby database.
To change the database type to DB2, Oracle, or back to Apache Derby, run the setdbtype command. Verify the database you are switching to, exists in the network. Changing development database types does not carry over any schema customizations or custom data to the new database.
If you switch development databases, re-enable any features that you are using from WebSphere Commerce feature packs
Before you begin
If you change the database to IBM i, install APAR JR36284.
If you are using a remote database, install the appropriate DB2 client to access the remote DB2 database. See your DB2 documentation for more information.
If you are using a remote database, install the appropriate Oracle client to access the remote Oracle database. See the Oracle documentation for more information.
Create a database. See Install and configuring Oracle 11g database for information on creating an Oracle database.
Create an Oracle database user. For information on creating an Oracle database user, see Oracle database considerations.
Ensure that the user has enough table space or set Auto Extend to Yes in the datafile. Grant the user the following privileges: create procedure, create session, create synonym, create table, create trigger, create view, and create materialized view.
To the database type to DB2 V9.7, install WebSphere Commerce v7.0 with fix pack 1 or higher before you run the setdbtype command.
- Navigate to the WCDE_installdir/bin directory.
- Complete one of the following commands depending on the database you are switching to:
setdbtype db2 DB2_HOME dbName dbAdminID dbAdminPassword dbUserID dbUserPassword [dbHost dbServerPort dbNode] [createdb]
setdbtype oracle ORACLE_HOME dbName dbAdminID dbAdminPassword dbUserID dbUserPassword [dbHost dbServerPort] [createdb]
setdbtype cloudscape [createdb]
setdbtype iseries dbName dbHost dbUserID dbUserPassword [createdb]
The iseries and createdb parameters are not variables. Type as iseries and createdb
- The root directory of DB2. For example, c:\IBM\SQLLIB
- The root directory of the Oracle DBMS. For example, C:\oracle\product\11.1.0\client_1
- dbName
- The name of the database. For example, mall.
- dbAdminID
- The database administrator's ID. For example, db2admin or oracle.
- dbAdminPassword
- The associated password for dbAdminID
- dbUserID
- The database user ID that connects to the database.
- dbUserPassword
- The associated password for dbUserID
- dbHost
- Optional: The host machine name of a remote database server.
- dbServerPort
- Optional: The port number of the remote database server.
- dbNode
- Optional: The node name of the remote database.
- createdb
- Optional: If specified, the command creates a new empty database.
- After running the setdbtype command, and before publishing any stores in the new database, run the resetstores command to clean the store database.
- Open a command prompt and change to the WCDE_installdir/bin directory.
- Run the following command:
- Re-enable any features you are using, see WebSphere Commerce feature packs
- Verify the script ran successfully by checking that the string BUILD SUCCESSFUL appears at the end of the following log file:
- WCDE_installdir/logs/setdbtype.log
- If you encounter an error that says Unhandled exception, Type=Segmentation error while running setdbtype, you might need to install one of the following:
- DB2 V9.5 Fix pack 6a, or higher
- DB2 V9.7 Fix pack 3a, or higher
See Troubleshoot: Massload error when using DB2 for details.